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All About GM Diet, Fast Method to Lose Weight in 7 Days

The GM diet, also known as the General Motors diet, is a 7-day diet program that focuses on eating certain types of foods and with certain portions. This diet method is very popular because it is claimed to lose weight around 6.8 kg in just one week. Before you decide to do it, consider the following full review! Initially the GM diet was conceived specifically for General Motors employees in 1985 in the United States. But then, the diet program that is said to have gone through testing at the Johns Hopkins Research Center was widely circulated among the public.

Guide to Running a GM Diet Program

The GM diet method is very strict, where dieters are required to follow a predetermined menu every day for a week. The menu is dominated by vegetables and fruits. The following eating rules in the GM diet program:
  • The first day

  • GM dieters are only allowed to consume fruits. The portion is not limited to aliases as much as desired. All fruits are allowed except bananas. The most recommended fruit for consumption on the first day of the GM diet is melon.
  • The second day

  • GM dieters are only allowed to consume vegetables, both cooked and raw vegetables. The portion is also unlimited. Breakfast menu on the second day of the diet may be added to potatoes, but only in small amounts.
  • The third day

  • GM dieters are only allowed to consume any fruit and vegetables except bananas and potatoes. The portion is also not limited to the alias as desired.
  • The fourth day

  • GM dieters are only allowed to eat bananas and milk. The portion is limited, namely 6 large bananas or 8 small bananas, and 3 glasses of skim milk.
  • Fifth day

  • GM diet food menu on the fifth day is two servings of meat, either beef, chicken, or fish as much as 10 ounces or about 280 grams. Besides meat, GM dieters are only allowed to eat 6 tomatoes. For vegetarians, meat can be replaced with brown rice or multipurpose cheese (cottage cheese). Do not forget to increase fluid intake with two glasses of water.
  • Sixth day

  • Eat 2 servings of meat and vegetables. The recommended meat is beef, chicken or fish as much as 10 ounces or 280 grams. All types of vegetables are allowed except for potatoes. The portion of vegetables is not limited or just as desired. For vegetarians, you can replace the meat menu with brown rice or multipurpose cheese. Do not forget to increase fluid intake with two glasses of water.
  • Seventh day

  • The specified food menu is brown or brown rice, fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables. Portions on each menu are not limited.

Prompts and Abstinence from GM Diet

Here are some other guidelines to complete the GM diet program:
  • Throughout the GM diet, it is highly recommended to drink 8-12 glasses of water a day to meet your body's fluid needs.
  • You should not eat peanuts while on the GM diet, because peanuts are claimed to be high in calories and can cause weight gain.
  • Consuming coffee drinks or green tea is allowed, but without the addition of sugar sweeteners alias. Soda, alcoholic drinks, and other drinks that contain calories, are not allowed.
  • If you are bored with plain milk, you can replace it with soy milk.
  • To maintain weight after running this GM diet program, you are encouraged to eat foods low in protein and low in carbohydrates.
  • This diet method does not encourage the culprit to exercise during the first three days of the diet program.

Review the pros and cons of the GM diet

Basically, the way the GM diet works is to lose weight by creating a calorie deficit from eating low-calorie foods and foods that are claimed to be good for body detoxification. So, in addition to losing weight quickly, this method is believed to improve digestive function, get rid of toxins from the body, and increase the body's ability to burn fat. In fact, the GM diet program also has some disadvantages. One of them is about the origin of the GM diet program which until now has not been known with certainty, also the absence of clinical research and accurate scientific facts that support the claims of the diet program. GM diet is also not possible to do in the long term, because it does not include a balanced diet and tends not to follow a balanced diet with nutrition. This can be observed from GM diet foods that tend to be low in protein. In fact, protein is one of the important components needed by the body. Protein also helps the body to be full longer and helps you lose weight. Apart from being low in protein, GM diets also tend to be low in fat and other nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, and calcium, in the first three days of the diet. The weight loss that is reduced by the GM diet is also largely due to the body losing a lot of water, not fat or calories. Thus, weight loss that occurs is temporary or does not last long. Once the diet is complete, it is likely that weight will rise again when returning to the usual diet. Many people are tempted to go on a GM diet to lose a significant amount of weight in just a week. But according to health experts, the GM diet is not recommended because there are more weaknesses than benefits.

Dangers of Too Much Weight Loss

Extreme weight loss only makes you lose muscle, bone and water, not fat. In addition, a diet that cuts too many calories and is not matched with exercise can also cause the body's metabolism to be slower and make the body malnourished. Weight loss that is too fast can cause gallstones, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, and electrolyte imbalance in the body. In addition, it also causes various complaints, such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, mood changes, irregular periods, to hair loss. Instead of focusing on GM diets or other trial-and-error diets that have unclear scientific evidence, it's better to go on a healthy diet program as recommended by your nutritionist. The advice of health experts is gradual weight loss, at least 0.5 kg - 1 kg per week. Applying a healthy diet combined with exercise is the best way to get the ideal body weight that can last for a long time. If you have difficulty determining the appropriate diet and diet, you can consult a nutritionist.
